If you use the MLS for your Listing E-Alerts in this traditional way, you have to manually input every single person in your database. Brian is also the creator of www.TheRealEstateTrainer.com, a website that provides real training material for real estate brokers managers and other industry leaders. We work almost exclusively on referrals, so we always make a point of asking our great clients if they know anyone. Offer something of value. Check out these 5 practical tips for growing your sphere with social media. Now you take your scrubbed list upload them to an email marketing program. This includes online leads that theyre buying, and expired listings, FSBOs, circle prospecting, etc. And theres no good reason to leave that kind of money on the table. Getting permission to add people to your list is important, but there are other ways you can make the askwithout straight-up asking. Go the extra mile and do this for any member of your SOI who gives you a referral, whether theyre a past client or not. Acronyms and jargon can kill your message. Seller leads or previous clients that youre hoping to get real estate referrals from will think, Thats all my realtor thinks of me? Many agents will send client appreciation gifts anything from bath salts to lottery tickets to gift cards, etc., just to say thank you and stay top-of-mind. But, there is next time, so thank you so much. Heres how Jason asks for the referral (and remember, these guys have been chatting and laughing it up for at least 10 minutes before it even gets to this point). I mailed them a postcard because I was afraid to pick up the phone and call them. For example, if your local area has a business journal or a local newspaper, it is time for you to subscribe to this outlet. It's good to hear how to get it done right. Why am I sharing this wonderful news with you? By the way, this is not MY yay-me letter - it's from one of my readers; I'm just sharing it as a good example. As a result, Realtors end up going for the remaining 20 percent. This traditional use of the Listing E-Alert tool is a great value add to your clients. Never Stop Networking 2. You have family, friends, old schoolmates, previous business associates, soccer buddies, and more. I like to use Mailbox Power for sending birthday and anniversary gifts to my sphere of influence. Come up with a meaningful message, and hit your database with a postcard mailer. That way, you stay in the loop on what is happening in the local area. People love to look into each others lives, which is why we all love social media. Be clear that you have no agenda. Is there anything I can do for you?. Check out this great listen on Audible.com. So, Jennifer, um what's an example of doing it right? You can easily change up that second line to refer back to any relevant life, community, or even social media event. You dont have to be a suited-and-booted business exec to have a great network. A lot of people are home and answering their phones right now and youre coming from contribution to see if there is anything you can for them. There are so many ways for real estate agents to generate business. They may even have some great content ideas. This is an important lead generation tool in the real estate industry that can help you add that personal touch. Whats the first advice given to new real estate agents? Check out our full list of Twitter dos and donts for real estate! Many agents stay surface level and dont think about the personal touches or special things they can reach out to people in their sphere for. And whenever possible, ALWAYS post an image. Ill be happy to do the research and get back to you quickly. You can send this to your SOI, or your geographic farm. All that I need from you is to verify that I have the correct home address and email address for you. Your first thought might be My sphere of influence? And that's an uncomfortable idea for many of us. How low interest rates are and what a great time to buy it is? These letters are a 180 degree turn away from the old "Here I am, help me get more clients" style Youll be coming from contribution, providing value, and staying in front of them without a whole lot of effort (or money). Script #1 - Recent Clients & Professional Connections, I hope all is well! Its forcing real estate professionals to pivot their business and make some changes. "It's an honor being nominated" - last year when I was among Inman's 100 Most Influential. What's the reason you're reporting this blog entry? If your SOI "hears" from you on a reasonably regular basis - and again - that means they hear from YOU (not that mysterious someone else), they'll remember you, and even better, they'll remember you FONDLY. I've been trying to decide what to do with it - I thought of mailing the newspaper article out to my 2010 clients with a note thanking them for helping me achieve this goal. Icenhower Coaching & Consulting not only provides free content and training videos, but also offers a range of books, premium digital products, and online courses. I'm so not into the self praise thing but see so many excellent examples of how to do it right. Love your ideas and thanks for the inspiration. You say, hey, shame on me, because I should have reached out to you sooner. The one significant advantage to email is that it's much easier for your audience to respond to you personally (they just have to hit REPLY!) The main thing is not to let them forget that youre an agent and youre there to help them. ), Consistency + Engagement = Winning on Social, The 4-part SOI Marketing Plan Worth $30 Million in Business, The Real Estate Postcard Worth $2 Million, Past coworkers (even if your last job was waiting tables), Your friends (yes, even the high school pals you havent seen in 20 years), Your kids friends or their parents (depending on age). The More Fun You Have Selling Real Estate, the More Real Estate You Will Sell! They better like it, or you're going to get blocked! Here's a letter recently sent out by one of my faithful readers. Image courtesy of sscreations at FreeDigitalPhotos.net, This post first appeared at https://copybymarte.com/your-first-real-estate-prospecting-letter/, Custom Web Copy.Agent Bios.E-mail Campaigns Community Pages.Postcards.Custom Prospecting Letters Articles.Blog Posts.Print Ads. Wish I could use it but after 25 years it would look odd! According to the Washington Post, the average person spends about 20.5 hours per week in their inbox. Then, you may want to share information you learn in these business journals with your potential client. As a member of the(name)Multiple Listing Service, I now have access to information about homes for sale and sold, average prices, and market trends in(name the area your MLS covers). Share your reason for becoming a Realtor. Holiday cards are a classic way to stay in touch throughout the year. There are so many things to consider, from finding the right properties to invest in, to building a strong team and marketing your services. 240-408-4002 contact@homeactions.net For example, you may want to host a simple summertime cookout. For example, a home value estimate is one of real estate's most common lead generation tools. And even if your client needs nothing from you at least you checked in. The tricks to good yay-me's are 1) your audience already cares about you because you don't yay-me all the time and 2) it's done without a hint of referral-begging and 3) your excitement over your achievement or award or whatever is 100% sincere. You may get another referral in the future, growing your sphere of influence. See if there is anyone who should be receiving marketing pieces as a part of your tip of a marketing plan. Your sphere of influence is important because you can use it to attract new clients who may be able to help you grow your business. Realtors can then use their sphere of influence scripts to reach out, and they have already seen your name recently. Excellent letter, of course, Marte! Anyway, agents ask me all the time what they should write about that will inspire their SOI's to remember them FONDLY. The next question what do you say to them? Hey would you do me a favor, Aaron? For most people, their home is their most valuable asset, and its also their biggest liability. Make sure you select something that shows just how well you know them. Instead, by focusing on building great relationships friends not funnels they became Baltimores leading real estate team. : ). As a real estate agent, your sphere of influence (SOI) is made up of the people you are personally connected with who you have a reasonable chance of influencing with your real estate expertise. Or, if thats too much, start with posting just one status update per week with a useful story or quick tip. Its Brian Icenhower. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to burn your relationships, use robotic scripts, or contact people a magic number of 33 times to score referral business and grow your SOI. This is one of the easiest ways that you can dramatically expand your sphere of influence. How to Nurture Your SOI (+ Free Templates! Your way of handling the award was so tasteful. This week I had the pleasure (and total surprise) of winning an award from RE/MAX for 2010! and they're yours for free. Start engaging more on social media (weve got guides on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to get you started). Together, we can make this year your best yet! Or maybe they have questions about the difference between a deferment and a forbearance on their mortgage payments. After all, theres only so much time in the day. Pre-written real estate letters that save you time and money - and keep you in touch with your prospects. That is why social media is helpful. Your newsletter list is also a great place to find referrals. Fear of failure, rejection, the phone there are some very real mindset obstacles keeping them from their #1 source of free leads and MASSIVE revenue potential. WOW. Whether prospecting for new clients or encouraging referrals from past clients and your sphere of influence, consistent communication is vital to your success. He recommends using MLS auto-prospecting to send relevant listings for potential sellers in your SOI to help them track the pulse of the market and see what comparable properties are selling for. He even asks for permission to follow up (Cool if I follow back up in a week?). You now have a friend in real estate someone you can call with questions who wont begin bombarding you with marketing messages. When he and his team finally took his coachs advice to expand their SOI (which at the time consisted of just 279 names), their business jumped from $0-$90 million in just 4 years. If you had a really large email list, say 5,000 emails, and 115 of your contacts engaged with the content to some degree, these 115 are the ones you call first. You made your calls and used your Realtor sphere of influence scripts. Let them know that this is good news for them as well as for you. You can count onme to provide up-to-date information, honest answers, dependable communication, and total support and I promise not to be pushy. The writer recommended saying "I'm an agent now and I need your help.". All it means is the people who know and like you. Or, you may want to rent out a special menu for the evening. Gratitude is the best way to get more of what you want. I'm a big fan of communicating with one's sphere of influence (SOI) via the written word - with the caveat that those written words are YOUR written words, not some words written by someone else who doesn't know you! If you show up on social media consistently, simply being there and being open is enough. (By the way that easy out at the end of the message can actually be a powerful tool to make people feel more comfortableand more likely to respond!). My reader enjoyed a tremendous response to the letter, got a few (unsolicited) glowing testimonials to use in her marketing and may even have a few new clients to show for her efforts. Send out a simple four by six postcard. (Its just around the corner from you actually in Spring Brook Hills.). There are helpful scripts for each of these uses these are the real estate templates weve promised keep reading! Happy Anniversary to ME! Love it Jennifer. saying thanks to those who have helped you attain success is a great way to foster more !!
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