I worry for him as he is an extremely sensitive soul. So thats the South Node in Sagittarius cycle. Will that be good for me, as well? The fall-out by 2044 will probably be a change in the UK constitution which frees up the line of succession. Or did the wise old queen know something else? Something happens to them both. Most people equate her and daughter Margarets relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend as being eerily similar. Perhaps its just Harry. The new stamps show Charles without a crown. Laurens Van Der Post, who was one of Williams godfathers and present at the christening, took this to be a sign that there would be a conflict between the Church and the monarchy and that, although the monarchy would survive (because the candle did not go out), there would be a diminution of its significance its light. This is in line with the astrology of March-June 2023, when the Church of England chart shows the end of an era, in relation to the British monarchy. Why was that left in as well? Categories. Also that the man who becomes regent wont be expecting it.) Diana is not in front of a microphone to confirm or deny she was unfaithful to Charles, but unfortunately part of the invisible job description of marrying into the monarchy is that people will talk. This was also the year George III, suffering from what is believed to be bipolar disorder, was replaced by his son, George IV, the Prince Regent. I remember hearing Harry is bisexual before he met Megan. Fantastic. When this happened in the era of Henry VIII women rose to power through a twist of birth order, following a period of patriarchy, as Henry disposed of wives who would not give him a male heir. Hi Jessica, Her findings were presented live during the trial. When Harry reportedly told the Queen What Meghan wants, Meghan gets it was over the Grenville Emerald Kokoshnik tiara Meghan wanted to wear for the wedding. Nothing to do with the Church of England but its a fascinating part of her history. This is when these two photographs (below) were taken. When you say you are mesmerised and dont know why, thats really interesting. My question is will the Andrew/Harry saga spoil the long standing relations between the two countries (UK and the USA)? Here are excerpts from Pennys book that I hope I have copied faithfully. There are now questions in circulation about whether M knew or met Prince Andrew, although she said she didnt even recognise him when she met him alongside the Queen and thought he was an employee. Sorry to wax all philosophical here, but it seems to me that one of the paradoxes of life is that truly great people are humble people. Princess Margaret (another Sun Leo like Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) also had heartbreak. Lots of love. Emma. Mind you, if Id thrown a few truth bombs, Id be as far as possible from the explosion site as I could! So I thought that she may be sabotaging herself in order to make Harry leave. I was always personally sceptical about Trump and wondered why nobody looked into previous wife Ivana. King Charles has mars conjunct jupiter but its a very wide conjunction so he predicted he would ascend to the throne much later than his mother did. There were more storms later when Meghan told Oprah Winfrey that she and Prince Harry had been married in secret days before, with Archbishop Welby in attendance and those were apparently the vows framed in their home. We did lose three amazing people in 1997; a very sad year. Perhaps Henry VIIIs karma does run for centuries. Harry mentioned they would have given them up when they were negotiating their 1/2 time Royals shtick but this is one more Scorpio manipulation and revenge game Harry is playing on his father. This includes the children; the future monarchs of tomorrow. Which in essence is that the only legal ceremony is the civil ceremony. The wedding itself, is textbook. Really interesting article Jessica, My heart goes out to Harry , (I feel a kinship with him because my mother died in childbirth when I was 2 and subsequent stepmother told me herself many years later that she never saw me as part of the family.) It is all building up as the astrology said so rapidly now. Textbook, really, given that eclipses conceal, they never reveal. You cant get past astrology, though! :-) And then theres Total Eclipse of The Heart, [Cleopatra], perhaps a prescient lyric. The astrology agrees. Queen Elizabeth II was normally shown wearing a crown but on some special edition stamps she was depicted as a small silhouette wearing a laurel headband instead of a crown. Required fields are marked *. Im amazed Hs revelation of the 25 he killed got past his editors, but his follow up comment that these people were just like chess pieces to him seems to have angered Iran as much as the number. Hi Jessica My second thought is that the Netflix doc referenced her miscarriage in detail and the associated blame and the Oprah interview sensationalised the question of skin colour. He will definitely be taking the lead today for his shy bride but he may look fidgety, twitchy or nervous. The prediction was made in 2017, three years before it came to pass. Grow up, Harry!!! Otherwise the backlog of chores caused by this topic will grow even greater. Currently feeling strangled and need a break.thank you Jessica. The last I heard on this subject was that some American newspapers were picking up on the allegations and running stories about it. I also need to look at Stormzy, who was part of a storm prediction I published about the wedding, days before it took place. https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3784176-the-trouble-with-harry-and-meghan/. What's Harry Styles' sign?#shorts #viral #zodiac #zodiacs #zodiacsigns #zodiacsign #astrology #astrologysigns #pisces #aquarius #capricorn #aries #taurus #ge. I feel rather like a worker in the basement of an intelligence service who has come across information & is wondering if reporting it will result in the boss standing by her desk saying If you are not going to take this seriously, you can leave now. Less than six months later Anne had been executed and Henry had married the third of his six wives, Jane Seymour. Honey traps are a long part of Soviet strategy and usually happen in Moscow bars, dont they! Again, this is about power. To my mind, any stage management of the monarchys demise is not so much the result of a few isolated but nonetheless powerful groups of republicans, but the unfoldment of a global plan. Red headed 2nd son they were married over H8s tomb at Windsor and on anniversary (May 19 1536) Anne Boleyn was beheaded. A secret marriage is possible. Im not sure. I disagree that Harry did not know our Queen was so ill. Thank you. Hi Jessica, She was on the wrong side of history. Honey traps can and do occur anywhere. The later Kings, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI were usually shown not wearing a crown but a crown image was placed somewhere on the stamp, often hovering above the Kings head. Pluto leaving Capricorn does rather suggest the end of many systems; the Church of England and the monarchy are high on the list. I am sorry for this very late reply; you wrote on 10th February and it is now 5th March, but I hope you enjoy the new podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-astrology-show-podcast-with-jessica-adams/id1672716621. Thinking about Harry Styles in One Direction, he was always the one that most people knew and the one who went on to have a completely different solo career than the rest." Libra Moon Our moon. Prince Harry has dropped a meaningful hint about the unreliability of said coronation. Ive always wondered if this is where the affair rumour was given oxygen by dropping tittle tattle in the right ears. I presume she would have left him instructions as what she wanted with regard to bequests. Thank you for giving me another link. June 26, 2021. This year its the book. Frances/Margrete Fredkulla/Isabelle de Valois /Jeanne Grey/Lucille Ricksen etc. Breaks and splits, upheaval and tremors. New Year Me Kiya Hone Wala Hai 2023 Prediction Naya Saal Predictions. Ive spent a large portion of my day reading through your comments. What the apps produce is pretty good convincing. The security issue for Harry at his Better Up event is obvious even to non-astrologers. Read more. The claim is that MM is related to someone who betrayed the crown, his surname was Hussey. I have yet to verify this. Days ago, Church of England bishops (after five years of wrangling) have refused to let priests marry same-sex couples. I would like to know who booked Cliveden for Meghan Markle (as she was then) and her mother. No wife or children. Harry has just done the same thing by denying that the Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan smeared his family. I felt compelled to cross reference the comment re the medium Claire Thomas. Oh, so the Archbishop of Canterbury had a secret father. I am astounded and horrified at the nastiness in the ( especially British) media Jeremy Clarkson /Piers Morgan etc shown to Meghan Markle and that people can be so critical of someone they have never met. - Neptune square the ascendant - he was made to be in the limelight- he has that leading man look. Oh, yes She said emphatically, I was a martyr.. She doesnt! Anyone with a podium should inform herself. Beyond the lucrative financial rewards, there is a powerful psychological motive. I should also point out that The King has the option of being crowned alone. For as much as this is a military family tied to defence, it is also a religious family. https://youtu.be/kMNhSYcTspk Harry is setting up a constitutional crisis and he knows it. I have a hard time seeing how any editor, writer, or agent would would let pettiness like that go unchecked. The public, his fans, think they know him . Peter filmed her talking very openly about very private experiences of her life since her childhood. Edward had a jealous, easily lead brother who plotted against him despite being forgiven the first round. I have to correct my last comment, albeit a minor point-I said we wait with baited breath, which should be bated breath. So why would he expect it now. I didnt know Harry and Meghan were married over the tomb of Henry VIII so that is fascinating, given we are about to be tipped into the same astrology cycle (Pluto in Aquarius) that saw off Henry VIII and brought in Mary and Elizabeth. The omissions in Spare, which goes into great detail about perfume, cologne and cosmetics but not about the details of the new American life are interesting. I am summarising from this point, to avoid being too long-winded. We may lie with our words, but our bodies are not wired to do so and will betray us. You can predict strain. Thank you Jessica and have a great start to the week! After a tumultuous week for the family following Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, online conspiracy theorists say writings point to the monarchy's dissolution. It even appeared that a black wire stuck out from her hair. Dont you miss real romance? And so to Meghan, Harry, and the eclipse timing of this photo shoot. I heard mention of a stroke sadly. They gather in the final week of March 2023. Some of it is excruciating. And yet, the astrology suggests shocks are coming, with Uranus in Taurus in opposition to the Scorpio placements of so many institutions and governments Scorpio ruling sex, money and death actually. (sounds like his coldness to Diana doesnt it?) Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. For her part, Meghan and her mother spent the night before the wedding at Cliveden. Charles could still be crowned, but Camilla should probably go out for tea that day. I doubt very much that he will. And that is the British establishment. Now is the time to beat a retreat. If Samantha Markles lawyers are up to snuff, perhaps an effective light may shine where a series of eclipses concealed for so long. This has been a fascinating read and very eye opening. The astrology chart for Harry supports what you say. When we go to the rest of the chart, we find the Sun at 16 Pisces square his natal Mars at 16 Sagittarius. Maybe the therapist did and was ignored. This whole Shakespearian drama appears to have nothing to do with my corner of the world but it sooo does! Like everyone else here, I also really enjoy and look forward to your fantastic posts! Its fascinating, isnt it? I also recall that the Queen was insistent that Prince William and Prince George should cease to travel together. I agree that MI6 are protecting the family. I am sure you have called your doctor or counsellor, but if not, go to it. He seems to be burning bridge after bridge. I also get the impression that he is being guided either by Diana in spirit, or by intelligence sources operating in secret. The idea that the criticism of Meghan is a diversion from Andrew is nonsense. Very interesting. Ah, thank you so much Elaine, you are far too kind, but I appreciate it. I also believe someone will be murdered or someone life is at risk in the royal family. Thank you so much for your strength and your insights. The astrological signposts of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn cannot be misinterpreted. Why he doesnt name the Russian who gave them their Canadian refuge when they left the United Kingdom. We have until 2026 for that to unfold; the end of the plutocracy starts far sooner, on March 23rd 2023. Massive. Ultimately, do you see Harry ever returning or coming to any harm? Hi Jessica the message that has come through to me is that Harry is poking the bear and that he is completely aware of what he is doing. Wow!!! I know this whole saga has another level of intrigue and control added with the USA/ Russia connection but I think it has also shone a light on M&H. Which would then mean any ceremony committed in a house of religion a blessing with no legality what-so-ever. Its sad. He will definitely be taking the lead today for his shy bride but he may look fidgety, twitchy or nervous. All blocked by QEII. Thank you for adding to this ongoing conversation, which I expect will not end this month! To astrologers, the transits that weekend are a red flag. Loaded. Neil Sean also reminds us that Angela Kellys third book of her publishing deal , sanctioned by the Queen, is yet to appear karma on its way for Harry perhaps? You then have to wonder who the production company is, never mind the writer and director. Thank you for the compliment. An interesting fact is that the current Lord Chamberlain is Lord Parker, who was Director of MI5 until 1st April 2021. 7) Venus, Mercury, Moon together in any house can make one a very famous writer especially if aspected by . You cant make money with everything, its just tasteless. Many of the Church documents from this time are to be found at Lambeth Palace. Why? If you are not able to help I understand you do wonderful work and I know you must be busy you help so many people Thanks. For this reason, I agree with you that they are deliberately trying to weaken the relations between Britain and America. I will go back to Spare when I have time and count the number of times Soho House, Dean Street is promoted. As for royalty, I think no human being should be the subject of another I cant get it Royalty seems so archaic to me Bloodlines, privileges by birth, power over people It must be my French revolutionary side kicking in (!) Meghans horoscope shows a fantastic new role involving children in 2019. Thank you for following up. It would be uncertain, though, so that there could be a reunion episode. Thanks so much Cait, I am glad you are enjoying this online discussion. My second skimming is in regard to The Royal Rogue, Jesus Enrique Rosas second channel. Surely his brother and father will lead by example and forgive him, acting like the Kings and Heads of the Church of England they were born to be. Always a clever professional woman; frequently a graduate. . Nostradamus predicted that in 1999 we would see (in various translations) a king of terror and 1999 was the year that Vladimir Putin began his rise to power. The Church of England, a constitutional crisis involving monarchy and the Anglican faith, would certainly affect Ireland. Hi Jessica We walked to the area where her grave is, near the lake. Someone has been data mining demographics and voter bases and is using a drip, drip, drip formula to win hearts and minds. By this point, youd think I could pinpoint how that might manifest but Im too close. He seems to be sleepwalking himself into his own nightmare unawares. If you go back to the astrology of Meghan and Harry, she has karma with her family, which ends in July. Very effective, and thank you for working so diligently day in day out. Your articles are the best out there, Jessica. Every psychic and medium I know believes she was unlawfully killed (which the court agreed) but not as weve been told. Though of course I have no proof. Recently found by a detectorist. Is there anything spontaneous and natural about any of this? In Britain, again the line of succession was disrupted when George III stepped down to allow George IV to become Prince Regent. What was that about? The primogeniture rule was changed, but it was too late for this incredible woman. Epstein always struck me as someone who would play the honey trap. So the question is was Meghan manipulated or recruited? The currency is yet to appear long time coming and in fact Australia has confirmed Charles wont appear on any notes in future. For years, the British Royal Family, the government, the Church and the British people made a very big deal of divorce (Margaret & Peter Townsend, Anne and Charles having to wait years in order to be permitted to divorce) and suddenly nobody criticized the fact that the bride was a divorce and it was a huge fete.
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