Oh, who am I kidding. You figure that one of those 100 people would actually have a coherent phrase. The Official FLaming-Chickens Handbook already confirms that fact! 12083 is a mid length novelette. So he kept her out of the Matrix, and she saw the problem, and entered the Matrix to fix it. And she doesn't even LIKE carrots! 17 min ago The future is determined by the triangles, in a startling blue color which spin around in a zany manner. This, of course would expand the market for such products. Another article claims that an anitseptic turned a polar bear purple, drawing large crowds of people. It is now my civic duty to discover this ancient mystery, and reveal it to the uncaring world. Okay, I'm done with that litte commercial. Thank you for sending me this email. I believe that she was just listing countries she knows America has fought against. Warning* Extremely long pasta. The researches even used highly advanced technololgy to map the surface of a pancake and compare it to documented geology of Kansas. He even tried to hide the sword behind his back! Warning: this product is illegal in most states) Wasn't that entertaining? I swear. I'm so very, very tired. And almost never finish. Every single person you know could just be figments of your imagination, you could even be in a crazy house! hello, I like to play Fortnite it is a really good game. I mean, who'd a thought? You knowI enjoy having these conversations with you. I think. Not that the aformentioned individual claims to have received hate mail (or mail of any kind) via a website link. And the preceding generations became brain-washed (possibly through subliminal messages in sun-tan lotion commercials) to believe tans were expected. #1You can say or do anything and normal people will agree with you in the hopes that you'll be satisfied, shut up, and go away. Honestly, the more time I waste playing the game, the less time I'll work on this site and the less stuff you gotta read. You mean that I'm just randomly responding regardless of your reactions? They'll probably just call us weird and laugh at us, but that's beside the point! Number Nine: Now it's just getting redundant, isn't it? I've heard of poems and stuff written by people who were high, insane or paranoid. I have three very hard academic classes. Just wait a sec while I stop the music. I once*embarassed pause* had "Hey, You! I rule the Internet! We can all wear spiffy space-suits and feel all superiour to all those stupid earthlings. Mar 25th, 2014. If they're anything like my sister, I'm movin' to Canada. You don't belong here. Maybe I should start on a boring disclaimerEh-hem. Wasn't it super? Had this been an actual emergency, we would have bought up all the can openers and charged 3 cows and a pig for each one. That's right, I wanna sleep. Later, The Oracle tells him that he has already decided her fate. Wow. What has the world come to? You'd have to find the end, of course. THen we go to library. Still later that day, she got offended at some trivial thing and decided that we weren't going anywhere at all. Hey, I'm once again: back. I'm back. Today I had the misfortune of playing a Treasure Planet game on neopets.com It was terrible. The moon has one-sixth of Earth's gravity. A profound statement, if I ever heard one. ", and translated it to German. So next semester I'll still have work, AP Lit, and AP Physics. Yes. I'm leavingnow I'm back! If you don't like it, start your own longest text ever. It doesn't matter. Either way, I'm continuing to sort of entertain myself. Now I have a purpose in life! How did they ever afford an organ-thingy? Or perhaps not. "Meg" wrote it for a school assignment. NowI'm gonna go and worry about the light on my toaster ovenseeya! Who am I kidding. And the lady representing them, calls the radio stationon a phone. He took the TAB member quiz and turned out to be me, he took the JOB quiz, and was a repo man (which had a pic of my brother) He said he wanted to see what I was doing, and to make sure that I wasn't saying anything derrogatory about my parents. It's true, and all, but I have no proof about wal-mart, or certain fast food resteraunts. I WANT to write. I repeat, lock all you doors and windows, this is it. There are now longer sentences in . Unfortuantly, we had already driven 337 miles toward our destination. Maybe, some day far in the future (like next Thursday) I'll print a copy of this insane text. After all, you're a responsible, intelligent person who apparently has a lot of time on your hands. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. Wait, no it isn't, I still have to keep going, and going, and going. I spend from 8-5 doing what everyone else wants. I am writing to let you know that I have received an email from {name of recipient}. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Image by Carl Van Vechten, via Wikimedia Commons. Speaking of food, what's up with pie? You have to admit its sheer coolness. I gave up in exasperation. Oh, guess what? CAT CHOW!!! It's bad enough to go to school, leave school, go to work, leave work, do homework and then wait for my dad to get off of the computer so that I can do stuff. We eventually reached our destination after 16 hours of virtually non-stop driving. aSk anybody. If you have some extra time, you can read it at marienbadmylove.com. Pop-Up ad's help you get rid of pop-up ads? And I'm willing to enlighten you, the potentially you-know-what reader. Some are answers to e-mails, the rest are just stuff I wrote. HI! That will be a wonderous day. I said "The Union fought" With a crack, snaple and pop, some random synapses in her brain connected in the right order and she said "CONFEDERACY!!!" Or maybe I'll go make a frozen pizza. It's just a matter of degree. Yeah. but they did not give the award because i was a kid :C, @arkin It is supposedly the worlds longest published novel in English at 2.5 million words. It is the extraordinary sensory quality of his prose that enabled Faulkner to get away with writing the longest sentence in literature, at least according to the 1983 Guinness Book of World Records, a passage from Absalom, Absalom! Once I got this computer, I decided to do something similar on my beloved site. I have no problem with Lit. It sucks. Thank-you for your time. Come on all you non-existing people! (Next Commercial) Get ready fo: Faux's new "reality" TV show, "How Low Can We Go?" My character is actually dodging the stupid rocks better now then when I controlled him. We made a guild, and I wrote out the transcripts of the first ever Asparagus War in narrative form (mock epic, very cheesey) Since it's very, very long, I'll post it here to meet my imaginary word quota for the day! You got me started. That's why. How did you do that. Everyone I know who has played that game is shocked when I tell themoh, well. I suppose that is the bane of all authors. A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust., I got a sentence that was 5639 words long, i just looked it up so can can copy and paste it on my school chat for fun not to read, I just wanted to say, i really like cheese, andi thinki think my teacher is mad at me sry waitshes mad because i was asking my other teacher questions about work online hmmm.my teacher sure is a ##### ass feminist, i just wrote a sentence with 1,289 words so ha. CHEESE!!! This resourceful young vanguard of fasion decided to cover her extreme embarassment by acting like she meant to horribly damage herself. Anyway, that's my rant on the new generation that contains my little sister. Thank the powers that be for spell-check. My family has always bought Cheez-Its, to the point of making me physically sick at the thought of eating one. Doesn't that just make you proud to be weird? Anyway, I better go or the quality of this will go down in that evil downward spiral thing I discussed a few months back. I'm back. Anyway, seeya! One method is successive iterations, such as "Someone thinks that someone thinks that someone thinks that someone thinks that,"[1] or by combining shorter clauses. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which would be boring. *sigh* There are no topics anywhere near me. E-mail us for questions, comments, complaints and information. Apparantly Grape Pie isn't mainstream, but it has existed for some time. This means that we only have a very short while to prepare. I won't be able to feed my various imaginary pets and friends their beloved imaginary food! If you expect nothing and get something, you're happy. Would that be considered poetic justice, or just a nice coincidence? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. That doesn't make any senseyou can't BE something abstractcan you? I was contemplating how my heavy load of books made me like a bulldozer and than I was about to suggest to my friend, "Meg" that we invent one. I was very proud of her, just as you would be proud of a two-year-old who has just announced: "I WENT POO-POO ON THE POTTY!!!!!" Then I do my homework. Hits all right. If you don't believe that all that air has weight, try going into space sometime. How did you ever guess? And let me tell you, it's an outrage. Grapes are used to make jelly, jam, juice and raisins. In school, back before I even owned a computer, I'd type random words for long periods of time, 'cause I had nothing better to do. Meanwhile there is a vast conspiracy at school to keep me ignorant about my pawn roll in the other vast conpiracy by keeping me vastly bored. Anyone just randomly typing letters will eventually accidently write a word, right? Okayon to: #2 You can get out of practically anything by saying: a)It's against my religion b)I'm allergic to that. There was a sample essay online. I'm so happy! What's that. We'd probably go crazier. How absurd. I don't mean to insult you if you DO have a tan. WANNA SEE ME PULL A TAPEWORM OUTTA MY ****!! there were lots of fireworks. e)My psychotic bunny predicted I'd die doing it. | 0.79 KB, JSON | Lots of people spoke. Welllet's see. All the good possibilities effectivly cancel out the bad ones, leaving the sum total of you and your counterparts experiences as nothing. I'm allergic to parts of it, have irrational fears about others and I'm pretty sure it's against my Jenny religionalong with eating mashed potatoes, or potatoes of any kind. That meant that my mother would be in the back, with me and my younger, eviler sister. I can't remember what. Add comment. Even more incredible, this time it's someone I don't even know! It doesn't smell funny, (I asked my brother, since I don't have a sense of smell), it seems perfectly ordinary.
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