The problem we face in Psalm 109 is not restricted to this psalm, however. Lord, listen to my prayer. Prayer for the Protection of Leaders Father, you are Lord over our beautiful nation. Oh God, let the mercy upon the wicked expire and let them run out of grace in Jesus name. 6 Appoint a wicked man over him; And let an accuser stand at his right hand. I believe that verses 1-5 are crucial to a correct understanding of imprecatory prayers because they inform us about the prerequisites for imprecation. Jesus Christ came to the earth to take upon Himself our sins and our punishment. Amen! The wicked whom David wishes to see punished are those who have shown no mercy to others, but have instead persecuted the afflicted and needy man, even putting him to death (v. 16). The problems which the imprecatory psalms have raised for the Christian have been answered by a variety of explanations, most of which seem inadequate or inaccurate.201 Before we become too critical of the psalmist and this type of psalm, let us make several observations which must be taken into account. Loud evil voices telling my helpers bad things about me and chasing my helpers away from me, run mad and die in the name of Jesus. In praying for the financial ruin of his enemies and their family extinction, David was requesting God to act in accordance with the Mosaic covenant. 5) Pray that developing plans for terrorism and violence will be thwarted and unsuccessful. This explains why the enemies in the individual laments are so faceless, and it also helps to account for the fact that these psalms are usable by many different people in times of trouble. 18:17-20) so that he may be severely chastened, with the goal of his repentance and restoration (cf. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. After much prayer and research, Ive concluded that Christians can, and in fact, should pray for the removal of wicked leaders from positions of authority. In those verses he is the enemys man; so this prayer wishes the enemy a taste of his own medicine. 938-939; Perowne, The Book of Psalms, I, pp. For zeal for Thy house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach Thee have fallen on me (Ps. Then the kings wrath subsided. I disarm any power that has made a covenant with the ground, water and wind about me in the name of Jesus. 15-16). June 2015 A year of divine judgement against wicked and corrupt leaders. Pray that the Bible will rise up as the . 287-288. Cajetan is confident that if it is necessary for the Churchs well-being that such a pope should be removed [] without doubt prayer would remove him.. Confessional Prayer Against A wicked Boss. in 1971. Prov. Voice from my foundation asking for my blood, drink the blood of Jesus and perish, in the name of Jesus. I believe that in Davids case his enemies were Gods enemies whom God hated (cf. 49. Therefore, on account of you Zion will be plowed as a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, And the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest. Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children. 52:1; 1 Sam. Bible Verses about Wicked Rulers. Prayer is a sure and steady weapon for times like these, and there's no surer guide for prayer than the Psalms. I move into another level of progress in the name of Jesus. 20:5; Deut. January 2016 for the sudden transition lv. 183 In a more secular sense an imprecation is a curse on ones enemies. And do I not loathe those who rise up against Thee? The basis for this praise is the psalmists experience of seeing God stand at his right hand to defend. A year we need serious prayers against the spirit of lack and famine. 25-32; Leupold, Psalms, pp. ; xxii. Well, of a truth, some attacks are launched against the church. We want to think that God hates the sin, but He loves the sinner. Who Is God The Jewish religious system had set aside this law, replacing the truth with their own traditions. This Psalm presents a pretty vivid picture of whats happening in the United States today. 12ff., 20ff. Kirkpatrick, The Book of Psalms, p. 655. Pray that the bride of Christ would be a haven for the oppressed, would show no favoritism toward the rich, and would be a voice for truth and justice in society. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation. We are to pray for all leaders while they are in positions of authority; Romans 13:1-5 (NLT)1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. also 12:5; 18:27; 35:10; 69:33; 72:4). and wait expectantly. May 2020 February 2016 I recently heard of a senior U.S. prelate (denomination unknown) who regularly prays that his president may suffer a mild heart-attack not so severe as to threaten his life (or his capacity for conversion), but severe enough to require his permanent retirement from office. For your glory, in Jesus' name, So Very Amen. 45 is corrupt selfish, greedy wicked and ruthless. 147:6; cf. 24 My knees are weak from fasting; And my flesh has grown lean, without fatness. I believe that David responded as he did to his enemies because he was a man after Gods own heart. Our problem is that we look at sin and sinners more from a human viewpoint than from the divine. Voices changing the minds of people who want to help me, I command you to never speak again in the name of Jesus. v4 In the pride of his face, the wicked does not seek him [God]; So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. It is the word, incidentally, from which Satan derives his title and name, since he presses the case against the righteous with relish and with every artifice (cf. Secondly, Gods lovingkindness causes Him to be especially touched by the pitiable condition of those who trust in Him and are afflicted. . Cursing was like a garment to the wicked (v. 18a), so let it become his only clothing (vv. Nothing that is formed against us shall prevail. The primary instrument of evil is the tongue of the wicked. June 2018 O God of my praise, Do not be silent! Let us learn from the imprecatory psalms that a hard stand on sin is the best way to prevent sin. Judgment is one theme, one aspect of Gods dealings with men, but not the whole. Matt. In Psalm 137 we find a cry of vengeance against the Babylonians: Remember, O Lord, against the sons of Edom the day of Jerusalem, who said, Raze it, raze it, to its very foundation. O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, how blessed will be the one who repays you with the recompense with which you have repaid us. The Lord enters into judgment with the elders and princes of His people,It is you who have devoured the vineyard;The plunder of the poor is in your houses. In the name of Jesus, my life will not be miserable. Acts 1:20). 14:18; Ps. The indignation is not that of a quick, volatile explosion but that of a smoldering fire. Let us first consider the innocence of David, which qualifies him to pray as he does. I entreat you to want it as well. God to raise up political leaders on every continent who will stand against corruption. First, the psalmist is committing the wicked to Gods judgment, not mans. This is why it is said, Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.. Those who make them do not profess to be absolutely sinless, but they do claim to belong to the class of the righteous who may expect Gods favour, and they do disclaim all fellowship with the wicked, from whom they expect to be distinguished in the course of His Providence. A. F. Kirkpatrick, The Book of Psalms (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House [reprint], 1982), p. lxxxvii. (Romans 8:26,27) I pray for the spiritual gift of discernment. 8:00AM EDT 10/21/2021 Larry Tomczak. Oh God, let the mercy upon the wicked expire and let them run out of grace in Jesus name. Happy is the one who pays you back for what you have done to us. As 2 Chronicles 29:6 says: Our parents were unfaithful; they did evil in the eyes of the LORD our God and forsook him. Saul deserved everything for which David prayed. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Micah 7:3. I pray that You will break the power of these evil people over my life, and I ask that You would protect me from their attacks on my life. 3:8-10), so the very severity with which the psalmist spoke may have shocked some of the wicked into facing the seriousness of their sin and turning them to repentance. To be hard on sin is to hinder its growth, not only in the lives of others but in our own as well. May 2018 5 Thus they have repaid me evil for good, And hatred for my love. 16:5-8), and Saul (1 Sam. They have surrounded the psalmist with words (v. 3) and have accused him of wrongdoing (v.4). Who will protect me from the wicked? Proverbs 17:13 is especially relevant to Davids imprecations in Psalm 109 because it speaks of the penalty borne by those who return evil for good, precisely the sin of Davids foes (Ps. But I declare that every chain of evil words spoken against me is now broken. Oh Lord, scatter every gathering of the wicked working against my progress in Jesus name. Every wicked forces of my fathers house, assigned against my destiny, die by fire in Jesus name. In so doing each individual was reminded of the seriousness of sin and the dire consequences which accompany it. David has thus asked no more than for God to do as He has promised and as the wicked deserve. Rather than inspire pity from his accusers, they despise him and wag their heads in contempt (v. 25). October 2021 Secondly, David may have wanted his readers to give more thought to the one behind all accusation, Satan.191 Since the Hebrew word rendered accuser is translated satan, Satans role may well be indicated. May 2015 ; 2:1ff. 11. If Satan can be the cause of certain physical afflictions, we must relentlessly ask God for "gifts of healing" ( 1 Corinthians 12:9) to bring restoration. For they speak against Thee wickedly, and Thine enemies take Thy name in vain. 201 There are many explanations for the severity of the imprecatory psalms. Uncategorized; Tags . Lord. 2) Father, I ask You to protect my family, friends, and loved ones from all forms of evil. April 2018 Today we shall be engaging in fasting and prayer against the wickedness of the wicked. We want to think of God only in terms of love and mercy, but not in terms of justice and judgment. Count his prayers as sins. Lord, with your broom of destruction, sweep away spiritual terrorists working against my manifestation in Jesus' name. Deut. (6) Every petition for justice and divine retribution is based upon biblical principles, precepts and practices. Imprecations such as those found in Psalm 109 have caused some Christians to question the value of the imprecatory prayers of the Bible for New Testament believers: It is surely a debatable question as to whether the church should retain the whole Psalter in its worship, including these troublesome passages, or whether the Psalter should be censored at those points which seem to be inconsistent with Gods revelation in Jesus Christ. March 2020 Because they have cursed David, they will be put to shame if God blesses him (v. 28). (Psalm 91) May no weapon formed against it prosper. My Father, let thunder visit the cohorts of the wicked when they try to carry out their evil plans against me in Jesus name. Who will stand up for me against evildoers? . A. Pray for God to restrain corrupt leaders (58:6). Wicked voices causing raging storms in my family, stop now in the name of Jesus. 8 Let his days be few; Let another take his office. Matt. The psalmist who prayed for Gods justice for his enemies also petitioned God for His mercy and lovingkindness. Burnout September 2016 Esther told the king. To sing its words was to remind the saints how the godly should respond to sin. Faith At Christmas 10:35). 32:5; 51:5). in your presence. The primary instrument of evil is the tongue of the wicked. 60-67) are excellent. 31. Amen. I must ask you then, why does God send men to hell? For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome. Others like Cross have questioned the value of such psalms for public worship: We question the worth for Christian worship of such Psalms as express a spirit of vindictiveness. Verses 8 and 9 petition God to shorten the life of Davids enemy. 192 After surveying the possibilities for identifying the enemies referred to in the imprecatory psalms, Anderson has some excellent concluding remarks: None of these interpretations is completely satisfactory. Proverbs 28:15. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with you. They withheld blessing, so blessings should be withheld from them (v. 17b). Dear God, we praise and thank You for Who You are: The Creator and Master of the Universe, and our Father who loves us and has sent Your Son Jesus to save us from our sins. ), Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,But when a wicked man rules, people groan. Verses 1-5 are crucial, not only to this psalm, but to our understanding of imprecation. Then if he or she wont accept the churchs decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. With such contradictory elements in our worship, we shall not be surprised that the spread of Christianity is slow. Apart from the hope found in God, it seems foolish to pray for peace and stability for our leaders. That said, I would dissent from the wordiness of these prayers. Categories . You are the Almighty God, and his power doesn't stand a chance to the might You yield. Can you imagine coming together to worship and singing a psalm like Psalm 109? 27 And let them know that this is Thy hand; Thou, LORD, hast done it. A God whose very nature is to take pity on the afflicted can certainly be expected to hear the plea of the psalmist, since he is spiritually and physically miserable. This would show them that God has acted in his behalf. 35:12; 38:20). This is what Mordecai and others throughout the kingdom were doing they put on sackcloth a sign of humility and ashes a sign of repentance and purification from sin and they wept and prayed. 2. This blog is not associated with Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. Please help me to recognize their evil intentions. Wicked voices that decree sickness into my home and saying no to my healing, I uproot your tongue in the name of Jesus. Dear Father, You provided your holy monk, Benedict, as a leader and master in the spiritual life for a countless number of followers. Let us learn from the severity of the Davids imprecations the intensity and the cruelty of his adversaries. also 11:18ff. Likewise, those who are worthy of divine wrath are carefully defined. Thank you, Michael very nice prayers for us at this time. November 2017 Let all who would accuse David stand accused before God (v. 20). Joseph Hammond entitled An Apology for the Vindictive Psalm, contained in the Expositor, vol. Let us not strive so hard to separate the sin from the sinner as to separate the sin from our attitudes and actions toward the sinner. Pray When the Wicked Seem to be Winning. 18:5-10; cp. According to verse 5, they had been the recipients of Davids love, which they had spurned and showed him hatred instead. Davids imprecation is certainly fierce and forthright, but I believe that it is not excessive. 21,26). 61-62. In verses 14-20 David continues to seek the punishment of his foes, but his petition is based upon a slightly different argument. 38 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Igreja Batista em Jardim Maggi: 26/02/2023 + NOSSAS REDES + - YOUTUBE:. (6) The enemies David prays against are not his personal enemies, but spiritual forces (e.g. Foundational voices saying the problems that troubled my ancestors will trouble me, die in the name of Jesus. This freed David from personal vengeance, enabling him to love his enemies (cf. I hate them with the utmost hatred; they have become my enemies (Ps. However, disobedience was to certainly bring about just the opposite result (Deut. I ask for Your protection against all forms of evil. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? v. 44. Voices that invite drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh in to my home, die one by one and burn in hell, in the name of Jesus. Published by at April 5, 2021. Protection from the Evil One Prayer. Lord, no evil weapons of the wicked targeted at me shall prosper in Jesus name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What it means is that the responsibility of setting things straight is put into the hands of the rightful authority, God. 62-65; 305-306; 541-544. Cajetan argues that, unlike a heretical pope, a wicked pope could not be deposed by a council (as some wished) but he encourages both clergy and princes to offer resistance and impediment to the abuse of power. On top of this, however, he scolds his audience for neglecting the most effective means available to them: intercessory prayer. 16, cf. In the Bible an imprecatory prayer is the prayer of a righteous man petitioning God to carry out justice by bringing punishment or destruction upon evildoers, especially those who have mistreated him. In . (I Cor 12:10) I pray that I might have the stamina and will power to pray until your work has been completed in prayer. 3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause. David may have prayed fiercely, but his actions were absolutely gracious and kind. We cannot hope thus to make our doctrine clear to the world. We ask that Christ may guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will, and that the shepherds of our souls may have the strength to govern wisely the flock entrusted to them by the Good Shepherd, but we never ask God to remove any who may be unfaithful, corrupt, or incompetent. Another approach is to ask for deeper roots in, say, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Courage and Prudence in understanding and aligning our response with the will of God to current events we find intolerable to join our agency to that of God in an intentional act of will. O LORD, remember what the Edomites did on the day the armies of Babylon captured Jerusalem. 4 15+ Spiritual Warfare Prayers to use as a prayer against evil. Reflections on Torah are based on Rabbi Mordecai Silver's commentary from the early years of his ministry. Wicked voices from ones foundation can be the fault of ancestors. Voices telling me its over for me, perish today in the name of Jesus. Moses (the meekest man on the face of the earth, Num. Release fire into the gathering of my detractors in Jesus' name. 28:9; Isa. 5:7; James 2:13). I bind every spirit working against answers to my prayers in the name of Jesus. While the psalmist is innocent, his enemies are not. David, like the prophet Jeremiah (Jer. David is, first and foremost, a worshipper of God. Do not let the false and hurting words touch me. Jb. III. (8) When David or any other biblical character prays an imprecation, you will observe that the matter is left entirely with God. 20:12-15). 28), His conduct (e.g., in the destruction of Korah and his entire family, Num. While God is a God of wrath, He is also a God of mercy. Wind of destruction, destroy and blow away every evil words spoken against me by foundational voices in the name of Jesus. Remove impurities from the silver and the silversmith can craft a fine chalice; Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God-honoring. We are taught in Proverbs that a curse without basis has no effect: Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, so a curse without cause does not alight (Prov.
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