answer choices. In the writing "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. King basically criticizes the clergymen, who disapproved of King's actions and protests. King uses examples of the effects of segregation on the African American community to explain why he is part of the protests in Birmingham and why they need to continue this kind of peaceful protest until their voices are heard. 3. laws that don't follow moral law or degrade human personality. Dr. King effectively formed his counterargument by first directly addressing his audience, the clergymen and then using logos, pathos and egos to present his own perspective on his opponents statements. The writer, Martin Luther King Jr., was a leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was in favor to equality. Full text of "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King, Jr. 16 April 1963 My Dear Fellow Clergymen: While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities "unwise and untimely." Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. In the letter kind defended Kings beliefs on Nonviolent Protests, King also counters the accusations of him breaking laws by categorizing segregation laws into just and unjust laws. He argued with the words and logic of a well-educated gentlemen to counteract the churchs argument which appealed to white moderates. This essay was written by a fellow student. In response, he calls for direct action in a nonviolent way. The blacks had believed them when they said this and yet, nothing happened after waiting. Through allusion to Apostle Paul, King attempted to stress that he also wanted to spread freedom (King 4). Civil rights, political, and social activist, minister and spokesperson for nonviolent activism. Why was King in Birmingham? submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Thats exactly what happens in Birmingham. King writes, "Isn't this like condemning Socrates because he's unswerving commitment to the truth and his philosophical delvings precipitated the misguided popular mind to make him drink the hemlock," (paragraph 18, line 3). Incapable of producing any useful results, Adj. He refers himself to Paul because Paul was arrested for spreading Christianity, just as King was spreading his beliefs of equal civil rights. He used this strategy to strengthen his argument and show reasonable examples. To sum up his point on just and unjust laws, he notes that the laws of Nazi Germany allowed for . He makes several references to many historical events that occurred. MLK addresses this by integrating a biblical allusion. Back then, people were ready to oppose unjust laws that were causing inequality and preventing progress. Dr. King was sick of people criticizing them when they were never in their shoes It is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say wait. This metaphor improves Dr. King's writing because it allows him to express how it feels to be in the shoes of someone who understands the feeling of segregation, thus, changing how a bystander may think of it. (King 164). to help you write a unique paper. By King starting these protests it forces Birmingham to compromise with the Negroes. Letter from a birmingham jail metaphors. Despite the clergymen claiming that they are violent in nature because they lead to violence by the crowds, King argues that such events are not the goal of the protestors. The white churches were brought up negatively through the letter numerous times especially since the letter was specifically written to the clergy members. His letter was in response tos eight white clergymen, who objected to King protesting in Birmingham. Throughout Kings argument, he appealed his own ethos to his opponents by saying I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth. King states that it is unfortunate that these demonstrations are taking place, but that it is even more unfortunate that the citys white power structure left the Negro community with no alternative. Ibid., 2. This letter serves as a purpose to apply the need for love and brotherhood towards one another and avoid all the unjust laws. Follower of Jesus. By continuing well Speaks of Letter from Birmingham jail Argumentative Essay. On April 16, 1963, when King was in jail, he wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jail to justify his actions and to response the eight clergymen who called him unwise, untimely and extreme in the article, A Call for Unity. In his letter, he declares that he is in Birmingham because there is injustice. King uses this allusion to show that he is no more an outsider than Paul, a key figure in Christianity. 2 years ago. Illustrate the example using any combination of scenes, characters, and items. Dr. King also uses one of Jesus quotes when he did his Sermon on the Mount. Analyzes how martin luther king, jr. used allusions from credible sources to emphasize how his view point is widespread. From another point of view, Malcom X, human rights activist, delivered his public speech at Cory Methodist Church in Ohio. How's does his discussion serve his purpose? 8th - 12th grade. Q. Line 1-13: what is one claim opposing King's work to which he is responding in the first paragraphs of the letter, The unwise and untimely engagement of non-violent direct action. He was an extremist at the time as King is considered now. He is trying to convey his readers about his injustice in Birmingham and how it is our right and responsibility as a human being. Lines 14-23: What is a religious reason King gives on this page? In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. writes about the issue of waiting for justice and God given rights for African Americans, the need for a good faith negotiation quickly, and using the strategy of a non-violent campaign and protest to achieve it all. Malcom X separated from the Nation of Islam, which had disagreements, Furthermore, King applied ethos to support his claim about being an extremist by associating many historically well-known people and their behavior with being extreme in his letter. King uses this principle to help persuade others to join him in his acts of civil disobedience. In 1963, Dr. King and some other civil rights actives went down to Birmingham, Alabama to help in the fight to end inequality. The Letter from Birmingham Jail is the letter written by Martin Luther King Jr. to the clergymen of Birmingham, in which he speaks up against the nonviolence demonstration criticisms by white modernists. he believes them to be sincere and good. King had written a letter in response to the eight white clergymen who criticized King's actions. Such analysis and tension liberated them from living under illusions. The Great Gatsby Vocabulary (Mrs. Helzer), Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9, Vocabulary Workshop Level A Unit 13 - 6th, GRE : The Hit Parade : Group 3 / 6 - part 1. I feel as though protesters should have the right to defend themselves against their oppressors. A Protestant best known for his study of the task of relating the Christian faith to politics. King opposed this institutional racism in employment, housing, and local administration of education, welfare, and criminal justice. Asked by lanie b #1127068. What effect does this shift in tone have on King's audience? Lines 14-43: King provides three different types of reasons in his letter to justify his presence in Birmingham: Organizational reasons, religious or historical reasons, and moral reasons. One Internet source says, He compares prejudice to dark clouds and deep fog, while love and brotherhood are described as radiant stars that shine with scintillating beauty. (Gallagher). "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"(King 20). Registration number: 419361 Explain this criticism, and his response to itwhat is his rationale for being there? All in all, King uses multiple allusions and different figures of speech to defend his reasoning for the injustice in not only Birmingham, but in several southern states. King's Allusion in "Letter From Birmingham Jail". The final criticism King faces is over his willingness to break laws. Ibid., 7., He incorporates logos throughout his entire letter, giving the letter a strong foundation that is hard for his critics to denounce. A reference to another work of literature, person, or event. Letter from Birmingham Jail: S: Martin Luther King Jr. born in January 15, 1929, Atlanta Georgia, the Ebenezer Baptist Church. 208 Words. They were protesting the segregation occurring in public facilities, since he wanted to desegregate the different areas. Ams. In his letter, King made several allusions and references to the Bible and historical events, along with several figures of speech to compare himself to those figures and events. He wrote this letter as a response to fellow clergyman who considered his actions unwise and untimely. While in custody, King wrote the famous Letter from Birmingham Jail. This letter voiced out his disappointment in the criticisms, and oppositions that the general public and clergy peers obtained. King uses an angry tone in paragraph 14 to describe these injustices black people face daily. This passion was fueled by what King witnessed in his community, as a result of the racist leaders. assume youre on board with our, In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail", Dr. King makes it clear he is worth listening to , or presents an ethos appeal, by incorporating Allusions Ethos and Allusion Allusion Speaker refers either directly or indirectly to a person, event, or thing in history Allusion Allusion and Ethos Working Together Examples Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation. The Apology and Crito are two dialogues that discuss the intent of Socrates crimes; and the Letter from Birmingham Jail goes along the reasoning behind Kings claim against Socrates. King had to convince a groups of white town leaders that what they fundamentally believed and stood for was immoral. 255-264: two historical seminal documents. Since he was stuck in jail he decided to write a long letter. IvyPanda. is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd During the civil rights movement, King did not participate in any violent behavior, despite being jailed for violent behavior. The authors go on to assert that King was in Birmingham leading a huge protest against unfair hiring laws and practices, which ultimately got him arrested and put in jail. He wrote that creating tension was essential so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths (King 2).
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