Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,23. Bartlett, Crawford and Stearns Architects. Jesse purchased the property from his father and married Mary July 23, 1815. 266. These reports are on file in the Historic Sites Division. While the Hale property changed owners, Pennsylvania sold 9,000 acres of remaining land in the valley to Colonel Timothy Pickering Jr., a Harvard graduate, intellectual, military officer, and politician. Edward Lewis, however, also owned a dock at Coopers Island (a land mass in the river delta of New Inlet today known as Wills Island) where he would have been involved in shipping. 290. When the slave Sylvia Dubois was brought into the valley in 1803, she remembered the road that crossed the Hale property was rough, narrow, and nearly indistinguishable from the forest around it.111, None of the townships thirty-six heads of household during the 1790s could make a living farming even after new roads tied their farms to major shipping routes. 2 (1988): 1739. But as the economy continued its downward trend, all of the Hale children who could left the valley a few at a time. Isaac Hale, McKune Cemetery, Oakland, Susquehanna Co., PA, Find a Grave, posted 29 June 2002 (memorial no. A grandson of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, Lorenzo D. Wasson left the valley for Nauvoo, Illinois, perhaps to share news of Isaacs death, but also to learn more about his aunts unusual religion. 259. Son of Reuben Hale and Diantha Ward. . 105. The newly married Joseph agreed with his father-in-law, Isaac Hale, that he would buy a small farm there where he "expected to work hard for a living, and was willing to do so." 1 He would need to work hard, since his parents' family had limited financial resources to draw from as Joseph was starting his own family. Dot marks Hale cabin location north of road. After cutting the meat into strips, he layered it and put it in long, narrow troughs of birch or maple, much like those used by his Native American neighbors, and an item he probably learned to make from them. 227. Provo, UT: Center for Family History and Genealogy, Brigham Young University, 2002. On April 6, 1830, Joseph and five other men established the Church of Christ. He likely consolidated the recent converts into specific congregations and provided some organization in the valley. Here in part is his opinion; By the time Hale entered their office, potential clients in the region knew of troubles with Susquehanna property deeds. See Julia A. After Hale returned home from military service, he inherited all of his grandfathers estate with the stipulation that he was to take into his Care his Grandmother Phebe Ward in her old age, to keep and provide for during her life, to free her from all or any cost to this State.24 Despite the presence of his uncles, Hale inherited both the property and responsibilities of a son. Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale: With Little Sketches of Their Immigrant Ancestors All of Whom Came to America between the Years 1620 and 1685, and Settled in the States of Massachusetts and Connecticut. This was the home the Lewis family briefly occupied. Emma first met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825, while he boarded with her family. While the early treasure lore Stiles collected may have been more accurate than much of the gossip about treasure typically shared during the period, his own search for and failure to find any gold was unremarkably average. 279. In their biography Mormon Enigma, Linda King Newell and Valeen Tippetts Avery report that Emma witnessed several marriages of Joseph Smith to plural wives. He concluded on February 29, 1836, Religion at a very Low ebb with us little or no spirit in the members and of course a great indifference among the congregation. John Comfort, letter to Dear Children, Harmony, February 29, 1836. Buck and Hale had left the Oquago Valley before it was settled, and J. Harmony, February 22, 1826, Elial T. Foote Papers, 26:137; and Paul,History of Wells,119. 5. 88. Blackman, who wrote forty years after Wilkinson noted the earliest homes had no windows and used oiled brown paper to let in light, and also concluded that many of the earliest log homes in the valley were poorly lighted. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,469. While in Kirtland, Emma's feelings about temperance and the use of tobacco[11] reportedly influenced her husband's decision to pray about dietary questions. [citation needed] Joseph had also been in debt when he died, leaving the responsibility to pay it on Emma Smith's shoulders. 220. But Lucy, who was not there at the time, may have misunderstood Josephs recounting the events, since Isaac Hale suggested that it was Afterthese occurrences, [when the treasure diggers abandoned the project and left, that] young Smith made several visits at my house to court his daughter. Anne SMITH daughter of Thomas Smith died 11 February 1880 aged 33 years 140b. Hales brief tour of duty ended eight days after his enlistment when the younger soldiers returned home without seeing action and the seventeen-year-old private was released from service.23. Nearly two years later, a close friend and non-Mormon,[citation needed] Major Lewis C. Bidamon, proposed marriage and became Emma's second husband on December 23, 1847. Grow, Thou Art an Elect Lady: D&C 24, 25, 26,27, Matthew McBride and James Goldberg,eds., Revelations in Context: The Stories behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016), 3339. It is clear in the family correspondence, however, that the death occurred the year before on May 14, 1807 (see Timothy Pickering Jr. to John Pickering May 3, 1807 where Timothy IIIs death is added at the bottom of the letter in pencil noting it occurred May 14 [1807]; cf. It's worth noting that this is the historical record and there might be different perspectives on Isaac Hale's relationship with Joseph Smith. 296. George Edward Anderson, 1909. Several of Pickerings friends had purchased large tracts of land in the Susquehanna Valley from him; and those friends combined the properties together and gave them as a gift to Hamiltons widow for her familys support.155 Through this means Elizabeth Hamilton briefly became owner of a significant portion of the Hale neighborhood. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,119. Isaac and Elizabeth Halecontinued to welcome new babies into their family with the births of a string of girls and Isaacs namesake boy pressed in the middle. It was too wet and humid for a crop more susceptible to fungi than other grains.116 Barley suffered from similar challenges. Skilled farmers could grow a little of both wheat and barley when managed properly, but they never became major crops. John Comfort was the first Justice of the Peace in Harmony Township. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley. Caleb Carmalt eventually transferred all of his unpaid mortgages to Robert H. Rose for collection, Caleb Carmalt Accounts, Rose Family Papers. Ausburn Towner,Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung, From the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century(Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1892), 466; and Hamilton Child,Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chemung and Schuyler Counties, N.Y. for 18681869(Syracuse: Journal Office, 1868), 107. George Catlin,Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes(New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1867), 910. The flatter land along the river was initially used for family gardens, but after the famous pumpkin freshet of August 1794, when the river flooded and swept the settlers food supply downriver, settlers grew timothy grass and clover resistant to flooding along the river that provided winter hay for their livestock.112Only a narrow strip of land on the ridge that followed the floodplain on the north side of the river-supported gardens.113. 229. He established another congregation about ten miles upriver from the Hales in South Bainbridge, New York, and found success in other valleys in the region. MarkL. Staker, A Comfort unto My Servant, Joseph: Emma Hale Smith (18041879), in RichardE. TurleyJr. and BrittanyA. Chapman,eds., Women of Faith in the Latter Days, Volume One, 17751820 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 345,349. DuBois and Pike, The Centennial of Susquehanna County, 1888, 36. Joseph Smith left no record of what he thought of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale farm and recently expanded home when he first encountered them at nineteen. Nathaniel returned to the war briefly as he enlisted a fourth time and served in Vermont.74. Jesse Hale noted in his assessment of December 1827 that Joseph Smith had arrived since the last assessment while he continued to assess a tax on a Joseph Smith for 434 acres that same year and subsequent years. 1. 285. Lewis was apparently later ordained an Elder.197 But circuit riders regularly visited the local congregations and preached in the Susquehanna Valley throughout Lewiss tenure as a preacher. Rachel Cope, A Sacred Space for Women: Hymnody in Emma Hale Smiths Theology, Journal of Religious History (2017). old Brother Hales, and he mentioned, Mr. I was allowed to feel the weight of the box, and they gave me to understand, that the book of plates was then in the box -- into which, however, I was not allowed to look. He eventually studied at Harvard like his father, became a member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1827, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1828, and became a leading American naturalist. Nathaniel Lewis brought with him negative experiences with the Rodsmen and treasure digging culture, Isaac Hale arrived in Pennsylvania without the same conflict with his Connecticut roots.93, Uncle Nate, Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewis, and Nathaniels wife Sarah, squatted on a farm immediately west of the Hales on the north bank of the Susquehanna River ascending the foot of Oquago Mountain. Although Raymond Bailey noted It is thought [Emma] . By February they had arranged to buy the house from Jesse and the 13 1/2 acres of farmland from Emma's father, Isaac Hale. If you retire into the grove. When Mumford left Harmony Township in 1831, the 434 acres of unseated lands were initially listed again under Joseph Smith then Joseph was crossed out and Jacob was written above it. So far, however, it has not been possible to identify a specific carver, Nancy Lynn Mess, Cemetery Historian, Ithaca, New York, Personal communication to author, March 6, 2015. 74. Florence Hartley,The Ladies Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness(Boston: G. W. Cottrell, Publisher, 1860), 124. See Emily Blackman, Susquehanna County, 1090. 1763 1 -11 Jan. 1839. rose gold diamond bracelet mens; Posted on July 4, 2022 by . A Heart Full of Love and Faith: The Prophets Letters to His Family, in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007), 23847. . 100. (an old stone face down beside 140) 141. He was born March 21, 1763, in New Haven, Connecticut, to Diantha Ward and Reuben Hale. Had this individual been Joseph Smith Jr., or his father, the Hale family would have known of it and noted it to family members that later recorded affidavits. Understanding the physical setting of the Hale farm and its mansion,helps us to not only better place the events of 1825-1830 Mormonism within their physical and cultural setting, but also enlarges our appreciation of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale family. Emily C. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, from a Period Preceding its Settlement to Recent Times(Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelfinger, 1873), 103. Isaac Weld, Jun.,Travels Through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797(London: John Stockdale, 1807), 2:34245. Without a turnpike heading south from Ouaquaga, Buck and Hale took the Warrior Path, a narrow trail that followed the river south fifteen miles, and then turned west still following the river as it made a great bend through a narrow, crescent-shaped valley roughly 2,000 feet widetypically leaving just enough fertile land for thin farms on the north side of its banksand running for less than thirteen miles before the river turned north and entered New York again. Mark Lyman Staker serves as a Senior Researcher in the Church History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and has beeninvolved in historic sites restoration for more than fifteen years. They most frequently got it from Spanish treasure ships. John Comfort, one of the wealthiest men in the valley, a close friend of Isaac Hale and a member of the same Methodist congregation, regularly reported his success to a son in letters. 22. 6562331), (accessed 12 July 2022). Trial Notes of Scribe A and Trial Notes of Scribe B.. See Timothy Pickering to Levi and James Westfall, June 15, 1825, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 5: 41819; Samuel and Mary Hodgdon to James Westfall, April 21, 1823, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 23: 61516; Israel and Patty Skinner to Joseph McKune, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 23:616. In addition to grieving the loss of her husband, she was expecting their final child. . Vermont war hero Ethan Allen, who helped create Vermont from New York and New Hampshire, had agreed in late 1785 to travel there the following spring with a detachment of Green Mountain boys and create a new state from the land.28 Although Allen never followed through, Hale may have become caught up in this Vermont enthusiasm. Done a Methodist was because he convinced Mrs. Nancy F. Glass was asked specifically to respond to accusations Oliver Cowdery had been involved in the group. I dont know how but he followed me into the house . D&C 23-26 Come Follow Me Lesson -, 10 Things You Most Likely Didn't Know About Emma Smith - Called to Share, Children of Joseph Smith and Emma Smith History. Some of it was even shipped overseas. The words purported meaning of place of hulled-corn soup may have had reference to several pits containing charred corn Buck and Hale found near the ancient apple trees.44 No matter who named the mountain, that name permanently connected the Hale family and their mountain to the Onandaga people who lived there before. Emma's father, Isaac Hale died 11 January 1839. Silas Gildersleve, letter to Family, September 18, 1823, John Comfort Correspondence, George Fisk Comfort Papers, Syracuse University Special Collections; see also, Charles Wentworth Upham,The Life of Timothy Pickering(Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1878), 4:116. She may have waited for an ecstatic religious experience to bring her into the faith similarly to many others. Emma Smiths baptismal record was copied into the Register of Baptisms, First Presbyterian Church, Hallstead, in 1865 when the original congregations records were all transferred into the later volume by a single scribe. Journals from the region indicate women held tea parties frequently.248 Many fragments of white kaolin clay tobacco pipes suggest that men also gathered at the home to socialize.249. Quary was responsible for capturing smugglers, but this time he was convinced the men he captured were not just smuggling goods into Pennsylvania but had taken a detour somewhere to bury Kidds famous treasure in its mountains.65 Where, he did not know. For details about John Lewis as minister in Harmony, New York, see, Elder John Lewis, and Harmony, Feb. 22, 1826, Elial T. Foote Papers, Chautauqua County Historical Society; McClurg Museum, Westfield, New York, 2:37 and 26:137. She later married Major Lewis C. Bidamon in 1847. . Although a large, level valley in the center of the township became Wells village, the Lewis family settled away from the village on inexpensive land on a rocky mountain top near the northeastern township line. November 19, 1767, is the birthdategiven in The Lewis Family Collection, in Rollin Carroll Wynkoop Lewis, Lewis Family Collection (15501984), New Haven Colony Historical Society Library, MSS B71, Box 1, Folders I and J. Credit: Kenneth Mays The rebuilt home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, the parents of Emma Hale Smith, at the Priesthood Restoration Site, in Oakland Township (previously Harmony), Pennsylvania. and our George Peck covered the sermon book he used in the Hale home with gold and blue wallpaper left over from someones recent construction. Four of Isaacs children were named after his Ward relatives, an additional three were named after Elizabeths Lewis family, and the youngest child, their son Reuben, was more likely named after Elizabeths brother Reuben Lewis than Isaacs brother Reuben Hale. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 25 His new role suggests how much he had become a Ward rather than a Hale in both outlook and position. Commonwealth vs. Erastus Fink, September 4, 1827, Quarter Sessions Docket, Susquehanna County, 3:107. His protg Silas Comfort Swallow described himself as a child of many prayers, my father having been a Methodist Class Leader and my mother an old time shouting Methodist, with a consistent life behind it, that shouted equally as loud. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had recently coined the phrase, cleanliness is next to Godliness, and his thinking clearly influenced Colbert who frequently used the word filthy in his journal to describe the cabins he saw, the people he met, and the meager food they shared.
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