The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. This terrible concept is completely fulfilled by the bloody I Witch symbol, where human blood has been planned to be shed in huge torrents so that, at the right moment,The Christmay appear. In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt, the candidate for initiation passed through nine degrees, or rather the three-fold three degrees, into the mysteries. This drawing depicts Blavatskys crude handmade drawing of King Solomons signet ring, with its seal. For instance, Knight and Lomas discovered that the ceremony for the Royal Arch of Solomon Degree (13 degrees) entails the candidate and two others playing the roles of the three Master Masons of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego. Rather, this war is going to be waged simply because Iraq is in the center of world events at the 33rd Degree Northern Parallel. 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). Further, they seek to bring a select number of citizens of the earth along with them, so that the entire world can begin to go through a path to this highly exalted spiritual consciousness; at this moment, everyone on earth will have a physical Third Eye, just as did the citizenry of Atlantis! Note that this date also forms a 333! Co-ordinates Country, territory or ocean Notes; 330S 11540E: Australia: Western Australia: 330S 12417E: Indian Ocean: Great Australian Bight: 330S 13412E: Australia: South Australia New South Wales: 25. 19. Background: The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to the suspension and shortening of the 2020 Major League Baseball (MLB) season from 162 to 60 regular season games. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. [39] Distinctive at Three Rivers is the circle-dot motif; one investigator who took the trouble to count found it to be the single most common element at this site. 1, the Masonic meeting place was known as the Mother Lodge of the world. Both Baghdad and the U.N. No Fly Zone is located at the 33rd Degree Parallel. The 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of Death for Psychic Energy 67-68. [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? Where is the 33rd parallel in the United States? - Sage-Answer Weeks later, the nuclear bomb was dropped on the 33rd Degree Parallel, at Nagasaki, Japan! Indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found. InNEWS1761, we reached the conclusion that this coming war had nothing to do with the presence of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. His parentage is disputed. These ancient American Indians created an estimated total of 500 miles of canals to irrigate over 25,000 acres in the Phoenix Basin-- all constructed with mere digging sticks, stone implements, and woven carrying baskets. We shall continue eastward to encounter other significant ancient sites along the same parallel. In ancient Kundalini Yoga, the Kundalini serpent-energy is said to rise from the root chakra, coiling up and around the spine until illuminating the crown chakra of spiritual enlightenment. Dane Rudhyar, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases (New York: Random House, 1973), p. 72, pp. The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. Its interior is rumored to be a model of this empire with a jeweled roof depicting the constellations and rivers of flowing mercury. It suffered a cataclysm and was reduced to rubble that sank beneath the sea, lost forever. Mount Hermon - Ascension Glossary At this point, the man-god experiences a fully-functional, visible Third Eye open up within him, an eye people can physically see. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death Row Human Sacrifice Ritual - narkive 37. 56. a. 12. In fact, when you look closely, you will realize that the Plain of Meggido is located almost exactly on the 33rd Degree Parallel! The biblical interpretation of the name is fanciful. Welcome to the weird. Copyright 2023 Rumble. 260-265. They require energy in the form of money, labor, and other resources in order to sustain themselves. 33rd Parallel Archives - the Numinous .M. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. kinetic energy ,telepathy and mind control, Mystery, strange happening , the unexplained, Natural medicine, home remedy ,herbs, diet, Panic Attacks ,Paranoia, Personality Disorders, Persuasion, Pessimism, Pheromones, Phobias , Procrastination ,Psychiatry ,Psychologists, Psychopathy ,Psychotherapy, Relationships Resilience Self Esteem Sleep Sociopathy, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Teamwork Teenagers Temperament Tests Therapy, Time Management Trauma Visualization Willpower Wisdom, Home Dr. Saad Ramzi Al-Hashimi, PhD -Paranormal- Parapsychology Expert, Researcher and investigator, What language Angels and demons speaks- By Steve Ramsey, MY LIFE STORY IN YOU TUBE PLEASE SHARE AND PUSH LIKE, CENTRAL NEW YORK GHOST HUNTERS one of the best in USA, The mystery of the Anunnaki blood Steve Ramsey. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel (TV Series) - IMDb 13. In the Hopi belief system a kachina (or katsina) is a type of intercessory spirit --not a deity per se-- which can assume the form of any manifold physical object, phenomenon, or creature in the world. Thirty-two heavens surround the 33rd heaven in the center, making this heaven the Heaven of Thirty-Three. 33rd parallel and reptilian | Vashta Narada's Galactic Art 53. On April 12, 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met his sudden death of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. 2. 21. The legend of Atlantis has been around for thousands of years, and whatever its factual validity may be, it does claim a noble heritage, for its earliest known proponent was Plato. See the image below. [8] The color is one of the meanings of the word phoenix, which the ancient Egyptians sometimes associated with the purple heron. On April 19, 1993, the Clinton Administration murdered adults and children in the Branch Davidian group at Mount Carmel, a compound about 10 miles from the city of Waco. The geoglyphs together with other cairns, stone circles, and cleared dance paths may be ritually associated with the huge network of interconnected trails found in the low desert upon which the ancients made pilgrimages. Hiram was the King of Tyre in the reigns of David and Solomon. Now serving in Alberta. 33 - Sacred Geometry Academy Most Covid patients at Israeli hospital fully vaccinated? We're feeling the pull of the 33 rd parallel (Allow me to explain) In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel - an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. March 4, 1933 Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt was sworn in as President of the United States. Latitude: 33 00' 0.00" N. Longitude: 0 00' 0.00" E. Read about 33rd parallel north in the Wikipedia Satellite map of 33rd parallel north in Google Maps. To truly realize the shape of the bird, one needs to be at least a thousand feet or so in the air. In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred. For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. 4. List of International Boundary Lines between Countries Approximately 10 miles southwest of the town of Lake Providence (32 degrees 49 minutes) on the Mississippi River floodplain in northeastern Louisiana is Poverty Point State Historic Site. Thus does God Himself provide the most powerful, most succinct, definition ever of a pagan: they worship and serve the creature more than the Creator! Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now. CactusCountry/GilaRiver/PaintedRocksGilaRiver.html; accessed 11 August 2002; b. Adventures and Photography of a Fledgling Explorer [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 11 August 2002. Phoenix, Arizona, is on the 33rd Degree Parallel. 9, p. 239]. During the tenth century B.C. Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. Occult Numerology By Biblioteca Pleyades - Stillness in the Storm 554-556. Bringing us up to the present day, the so-called Phoenix Lights were witnessed by hundreds or perhaps thousands of people. 32. This war also has nothing to do with terrorism, or with Iraqs supposed plans to use WMD on us or her Middle Eastern neighbors. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. the occult - The 33rd Parallel Mount Carmel is less than 20 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. First, let us speak of the way civilizations fall either to the north or to the south of the 33rd Parallel. [16] The archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie even found records in the Libyan desert that describe a secret Masonic guild meeting held circa 2000 B.C. the 33rd Parallel. I've been looking for more info on this but it all Viva & Barnes LIVE! . The Energy Model: Magick moves some kind of energy around, and that makes stuff happen. Thus, we see the following numbers in the JFK assassination: Number33 Dealy Plaza is located on the 33rd Parallel. David S. Whitley, A Guide to Rock Art Sites: Southern California and Southern Nevada (Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 1996), p. 127. Heading west, the line passes through Damascus, Beirut, and onto two Templar castles one exactly on the 33rd latitude the other at 32.71. Not even the intervening degrees, 34 to 38, are given. Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earths Lost Civilization (New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995), p. 262. On the right, or to the south, is Jachin, which means He shall establish and signifies an active, vivifying force. It convened in a chapel and provided relief to widows, orphans, and workers in distress. The fluid goes all the way down to the sacral chakra, the second bottom chakra, below the solar plexus. The Waco compound where the Branch Davidians were murdered was near the 33 rd parallel . The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History, edited by Preston Peet, Disinformation Books, New York, 2005. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. Dear All, A friend asked recently why there is so much 'UFO activity' along the 33rd parallel south (meaning the line of latitude 33 degrees south of the equator). About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New . The 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of Death for Psychic Energy: 12/29/05: 5: The 33rd parallel: 04/30/09: 6: 33rd Parallel fun facts: 03/30/21: 7: 33rd parallel, 33 degrees. Notice the uneven hexagram and the numbers 333 placed at different points on this seal. The 26 earthen platform mounds arranged in a circular pattern are similar in structure to those in Arizonas Valley of the Sun, with temples and residences for the elite priesthood likewise built on top. Another significant UFO event that shares more than one parallel with Roswell is the Phoenix Lights event of . In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. One such pilgrimage called the keruk is performed even today by the Yuman speaking tribes (viz., the Yuma, Mohave, Cocopa, and Maricopa) in a four-day trek to Avikwaame, the sacred mountain to the north, in order to celebrate the cosmogony. This book describes the Orion Correlation of ancient Hopi villages in Arizona. Resembling some sort of fowl flying toward the sunset, this mound was constructed using 300,000 cubic yards of clay, or the equivalent to 10 million 50-pound baskets. Why is the number 11 important to the occultist? There is a lot of other symbolism with the number 33 and things that have occurred on the 33rd parallel however. Constructed in 1800 B.C. Thus, the final battle, or slaughter of the ages, will be fought on the 33rd Degree Parallel! Hiroshima and Nagasaki were near the 33rd parallel. One of the larger mounds is a ramped pyramid that rises to a height of 58 feet. Martin Doutr, Circlestone: an ancient Medicine Wheel in the Superstition Mountains, Ancient Celtic New Zealand [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 4 August 2002. 33rd parallel north. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number JINN ,SKINWALKERS, GHOULS ,SHAPE SHIFTERS. We shall quote from White Magic practitioner, Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, The Secret of the Illuminati, as she openly reveals Luciferian thought and values in her New Age book. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America. Around the world. The stage was clearly being set in the last decade of the 20th Century for the Third World War to be fought, between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The guild met to discuss working hours, wages, and rules for daily labor. The many similarities between the two seem to point in that direction. Where is the 32nd parallel south? Shriners are 33rd degree Masons. 42. a. RAW - The 33rd Parallel Its imported palm trees and omnipresent swimming pools shimmer when seen from high in the air like turquoise and silver jewelry on a jet-setters tanned breast. Ep. 25-27. 6. This dovetails with a belief. The 33rd Parallel - Bashar - BeeCourse At approximately 9:50 p.m. an arc of amber orbs measuring one mile across appeared above the Estrella Mountains about 20 miles southwest of Phoenix. Inhabited between 1000 and 1450 A.D., the site includes 23 flat-topped mounds, with the main Temple Mound rising 55 feet. A network of irrigation canals reminiscent of the Hohokam also once served the city. Henri-Paul Eydoux, The men who built the Tower of Babel, The Worlds Last Mysteries (Pleasantville, New York: The Readers Digest Association, Inc., 1979, 1976), p. 176. Thus, we were not surprised that both Presidents Bush are Black Magic practitioners from the Skull & Bones Society, and that President Clinton was a practicing Black Magic Satanist. The Meta Model: Straight NLP. Three Rivers Site is also unique because it is one of only a few places in the Southwest that were used primarily for rock art rather than it being merely an adjunct to the village. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 near the 33rd parallel. Are you spiritually ready? 33rd parallel south - Wikipedia You may know that in numerology, 33 is considered a Master Number and symbolizes the Christ Consciousness. The 33rd parallel (which I believe she is a part of) all represent different Galactic energies. [10] Pike asserts that the two massive columns situated at the entrance of the Tyrian Temple of Malkarth were consecrated to the Winds and to Fire.
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